World Record Holding Powerlifter Gets Destroyed by Bodybuilding Leg Day

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we discuss an intense leg workout with Bree Terry, one of the top three 165-pound female powerlifters of all time. Dr. Mike from RP Strength puts Bree through a challenging leg training session that tests her limits and showcases her determination and strength.

Key Takeaways

  • Bree Terry is a top female powerlifter who challenges herself with a tough leg workout.
  • Dr. Mike from RP Strength guides Bree through a series of exercises to push her limits.
  • The workout includes stiff-legged deadlifts, high bar squats, leg presses, and calf raises.
  • Bree demonstrates her resilience and determination throughout the workout.

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

The first exercise in Bree’s workout is stiff-legged deadlifts. This bodybuilding style exercise focuses on pre-stretching the hamstrings and maintaining tension throughout the movement. Bree performs sets of five to ten reps, showcasing her fast-twitch muscle dominance.

High Bar Squats

Next, Bree moves on to high bar squats, performed in a bodybuilding or Olympic weightlifting style. This exercise emphasizes keeping the chest up and exposing the quads to the movement. Bree performs pause squats with sets of around 10 reps.

Leg Press

The third exercise in Bree’s workout is the leg press. This challenging exercise involves multiple sets of 10 to 20 reps using the Myo-rep style. When Bree gets tired, she locks out her knees, rests for a few seconds, and then continues with more reps.

Calf Raises

Finally, Bree finishes her workout with calf raises. This exercise focuses on full stretches and contractions while performing high reps of 10 to 30. It is essential to maintain control and proper form throughout the movement for maximum calf growth.


Bree Terry’s leg workout demonstrates her strength, resilience, and determination as a top female powerlifter. By pushing her limits and challenging herself with a series of intense exercises, Bree showcases the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving success in powerlifting. The key takeaways from this workout include the importance of proper form, challenging oneself, and the power of perseverance.

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