When and How to Deload for Optimal Hypertrophy Training

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Hypertrophy Made Simple by RP


In this article, we will discuss the concept of deloading and its importance in maintaining safe and effective hypertrophy training. We will explore two types of deloading: recovery sessions and a formal week-long deload. The information is derived from Dr. Mike Israetel’s Hypertrophy Made Simple video series.

Recovery Sessions

Recovery sessions are essential for dropping fatigue and ensuring that your training remains effective. They become necessary when you are unable to beat your prior performance due to accumulated fatigue. To perform a recovery session, follow these steps:

1. Finish your current session strong, even if it’s not as good as it could have been with recovery.
2. For the next session, do half of the planned sets, reps, and weight. This will make the workout much easier and promote recovery so that your muscles are ready to progress again.

When resuming your normal sessions after a recovery session, restart at around two-thirds of your planned sets and continue to add weight, reps, and sets as you normally would.

Formal Week-Long Deload

After about 4-8 weeks of training, multiple muscles will have gone through the recovery process at least once, and your body may begin to feel beat up. This is when a formal week-long deload becomes necessary. To perform a week-long deload, follow these steps:

1. For the first half of the week, do half of the planned sets and reps, but use 100% of the last week’s weight.
2. For the second half of the week, do half of the sets, reps, and weight. This will make the workouts very easy, allowing for full recovery.

After completing the deload week, follow the instructions from the video series on progression and restart the progression all over again.


In summary, deloading is a crucial aspect of hypertrophy training that ensures your workouts remain safe, effective, and sustainable. By incorporating recovery sessions and formal week-long deloads into your training regimen, you can optimize your progress and avoid training in a consistently weakened state. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly to achieve the best results.

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