We Put An NPC Bikini Competitor Through a Brutal Back Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will discuss a comprehensive back workout with NPC bikini competitor Maria Fernanda, who hails from Mexico and currently resides in Las Vegas. This workout is suitable for anyone looking to target their back muscles, especially for those involved in bikini competitions. We will go through the exercises one by one, highlighting their benefits and proper techniques.

Key Takeaways

  • Bikini competitors can benefit from isolation exercises targeting specific muscles.
  • Rest periods between sets should be shorter for smaller, faster recovering individuals.
  • High rep sets of 10-20 reps can be great for building back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • Always prioritize good technique and form to avoid injuries and maximize gains.

Exercise 1: Lat Pull-Down

The first exercise in this back workout is the lat pull-down. This is a great alternative to pull-ups for those who cannot perform at least five strict pull-ups. Aim for 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps, going to failure or very close to it. Make sure to touch the chest with good technique, as this ensures proper lat involvement.

Exercise 2: Barbell Bent Rows

The second exercise is the barbell bent row, performed for 4 sets of 10-20 reps. This exercise is excellent for targeting the back muscles and should be performed with proper technique, such as maintaining a flat back and avoiding hip swinging. Remember to touch the stomach with each rep, and stop the set when you can no longer maintain proper form.

Exercise 3: Deficit Deadlifts

The final exercise in this workout is the deficit deadlift, which involves lifting from a lower starting position than standard deadlifts. This exercise is excellent for building back thickness, glutes, and hamstrings. Perform sets of 10-20 reps, increasing weight as needed to keep the reps below 20. As with the other exercises, ensure proper technique, such as maintaining a neutral spine and stopping the set when form begins to falter.


In summary, this back workout consists of three key exercises: lat pull-downs, barbell bent rows, and deficit deadlifts. These exercises, when performed with proper technique and form, can help build a strong, well-developed back that is perfect for bikini competitors or anyone looking to improve their back muscles. Remember, prioritize good form, adjust rest periods based on individual recovery, and gradually increase weight to maximize gains.

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