Understanding Your Muscle Genetics

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Science Explained Series by Jeff Nippard

How Genetics Impact Your Fitness and Physique

In this article, we’ll dive into the significant role genetics play in determining your physique and fitness level. By assessing the heritability of various factors such as height, muscle mass, and fat loss, we’ll provide insights into how you can make the most of your genetic potential and tailor your fitness approach to suit your unique genetic makeup.

Height and Genetics

  • A massive 2016 report covering over 140,000 twin pairs showed height to be roughly 80% heritable.
  • Your height is highly determined by your parents’ heights, with 80% of your height difference from the average due to genetic factors.

Muscle Mass and Genetics

  • Researchers estimate that as much as 50-80% of the variability in muscular size amongst individuals are due to genetic factors, based on twin studies.
  • Individual response to training can vary tremendously, as seen in a 2005 study where the best responders increased their bicep size by nearly 60%, while the worst responders lost a few percentages of size.

Fat Loss and Genetics

  • Genes impact energy balance and nutrient partitioning, with a heritability figure of 40% for metabolic factors involved in differences in weight and fat gain.
  • The location of fat storage is also genetically regulated, with a heritability of 22 to 61%.
  • There are high fat and low fat phenotypes, indicating that some people are genetically predisposed to increase fat burning in response to a higher fat diet or a lower fat and higher carb diet.
  • Insulin sensitivity is largely controlled by lifestyle factors but also has a large genetic component.

Practical Takeaways

  1. Don’t assume you lost the genetic lottery; instead, train as if your genes were working for you to achieve your goals.
  2. Experiment with different exercises, training styles, and diets to discover what works best for you uniquely.
  3. When assessing progress, only compare your current place to your starting place, not to others’ results.


Genetics play a significant role in determining your physique and fitness level, but it’s essential not to use this as an excuse for not achieving your goals. Instead, train hard, experiment with different approaches, and focus on your progress to make the most of your genetic potential.

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