Training To Break Tom Platz’s 525lb Squat AMRAP Record

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Training with Joe Sullivan: Pushing the Limits for Legendary Squats

Join Dr. Mike, Jared Feather, and Joe Sullivan as they embark on an intense workout session, aiming to break Tom Platz’s legendary record of squatting 525 pounds for 23 reps. Joe and his coach, Jake Benson, train to achieve this goal at the Dragon’s Lair open house. In this article, we’ll explore the workout plan, techniques, and insights that can help you improve your training and reach new heights.

Workout Plan

Here’s the workout plan for the day:

  • Stiff-legged deadlifts
  • High rep leg presses
  • Camber bar squats with an extra heel wedge for extra upright, extra quads

Stiff-legged Deadlifts

Also known as RDLs, this exercise is performed with an arched back, almost straight knees, and pushing the butt back to create tension in the hamstrings. Focus on maintaining a big chest and slow, controlled movements.

High Rep Leg Presses

Perform sets of 10 to 20 reps, pushing through the entire foot and ensuring knees come out as you go down. Joe aims for 25 reps at 495 pounds, which will help him reach his goal of squatting 505 pounds for 25 reps.

Camber Bar Squats

With weightlifting shoes and a 10-degree prime lifter platform wedge, perform two sets of upright squats targeting the quads. Focus on maintaining proper technique and keeping the back tight.

Insights and Tips

  • Technique is more important than reps. Focus on form and control to avoid injury.
  • Be prepared for intense workouts as an elite athlete, as it puts you in a better position to push your limits and achieve your goals.
  • Training in powerlifting volume and hypertrophy shape can help improve overall performance and ability to handle intense workouts.


Training with the goal of breaking legendary records requires dedication, proper technique, and the willingness to push through pain. By following the workout plan and insights shared by Dr. Mike, Jared Feather, and Joe Sullivan, you can improve your performance and reach new heights in your training. Remember, technique is crucial, and consistent training will help you adapt and excel in challenging workouts.

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