The Post Injury Comeback

This entry is part [part not set] of 9 in the series Injury Prevention Made Simple by RP


Injuries are an unfortunate and inevitable part of any physical activity, especially in sports like bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting. However, with proper injury prevention and management, you can minimize the occurrence and impact of injuries on your performance. In this article, we will discuss the eight-step process for a post-injury comeback, as outlined by Dr. Mike Israetel.

The Eight-Step Process for Post-Injury Comeback

1. Stop doing what caused the injury: If an activity causes pain, discontinue it immediately and assess the situation.

2. Seek medical attention if necessary: For serious injuries, consult a healthcare professional and follow their recommendations for treatment, including surgery, physical therapy, or any other necessary interventions.

3. Obtain medical clearance: Ensure that you have been cleared by a medical professional before resuming any physical activity.

4. Start with light exercises: Choose an exercise that targets the injured area and use light loads (25-30% of your one rep max). Focus on expanding your range of motion with minimal or no pain.

5. Progress to higher reps: Once you can perform the exercise with a full range of motion and minimal pain, increase the intensity by doing sets of 20-30 reps to failure.

6. Gradually increase load: Slowly add weight to your exercises, transitioning from the 20-30 rep range to the 10-20 rep range. Consider incorporating pauses and slow eccentrics to minimize the risk of re-injury.

7. Ease back into normal training: As you become more comfortable, you can reintroduce the exercise that caused the injury. Focus on proper technique, warm-ups, and paying attention to the previously injured area.

8. Resume normal training completely: Once you have successfully completed the previous steps and feel no pain or discomfort, you can return to your regular training routine.


The duration of the post-injury comeback process depends on the severity of the injury and your body’s healing capabilities. It is essential to listen to your body and not rush the recovery process, as this could lead to further injury and long-term complications. By following the eight-step process outlined by Dr. Mike Israetel, you can safely and effectively make a successful post-injury comeback and continue pushing your limits.

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