The Decision to Use Steroids (Anabolics Science Explained)

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Science Explained Series by Jeff Nippard


As a competitive natural bodybuilder, the decision to stay natural often raises questions. This article explores the reasons behind this choice, focusing on the health aspects of using steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in bodybuilding.

Reasons to Stay Natural

  1. Natural Look: Preference for a more classic and natural appearance, similar to pre-steroids era bodybuilders or Olympia competitors of the 1970s.
  2. Simplicity: Staying natural allows focusing on optimizing training and diet without the complications of managing steroid dosages and cycles.
  3. Health: Belief that staying natural is healthier, given the risks associated with steroid use.

Understanding Steroids and PEDs

In scientific literature, PEDs are often referred to as androgenic anabolic steroids like testosterone. Although their effects can be challenging to research, several studies have shown the potential health risks associated with their use.

Potential Health Risks of Steroid Use

  • Cardiovascular effects: Steroid use can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and unfavorable changes in blood lipid profiles.
  • Liver toxicity: Oral steroids can have a direct toxic impact on the liver, leading to benign tumors and even liver carcinomas in severe cases.
  • Neuropsychiatric toxicity: Steroid use can result in hypomania, aggression, and depression during withdrawal.
  • Hormonal issues: Steroid use can lead to low testosterone, testicular shrinkage, reduced sperm count, infertility, and gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in men).
  • Side effects in women: Women using steroids may experience deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, decreased breast size, altered menstruation, and baldness.

Individual Response and Outcome

Genetic factors, family history, and other substance abuse can influence the response and outcome of steroid use. Some studies argue that the harmful effects of steroids may be exaggerated, and other factors like genetic predisposition and diet could play a more significant role. Nonetheless, consistent physician monitoring is crucial for athletes using anabolic steroids.

Testosterone Supplementation

Testosterone supplementation under a physician’s guidance can have benefits for men with low testosterone but is not without risks. Efforts to maximize natural testosterone production should be the first step in addressing low testosterone levels.


The decision to stay natural in bodybuilding comes down to personal preference, simplicity, and health concerns. While individual responses to steroid use may vary, understanding the potential risks involved is essential. Prioritizing natural methods to optimize training, diet, and testosterone levels is a healthier and safer approach.

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