Technique-Focused Back Training For Ultimate Growth With Janae Kroc

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Maximizing Back Workout with Full Range of Motion

In this article, we will discuss an effective back workout routine, featuring Janae Marie Krasielewski, that focuses on maximizing muscle growth by utilizing full range of motion (ROM) exercises. We will cover essential tips and insights to make the most out of your back workout, ensuring proper technique and optimal muscle stimulation.

Key Takeaways

  • Pull-ups are a great back movement, and proper execution requires at least 5-10 reps with full ROM.
  • Focus on controlling the eccentric portion of the movement for increased muscle stimulus.
  • Try varying your pull-down technique to target different parts of your back.
  • Using the Smith Machine for bent over rows can provide a smooth and controlled movement.
  • Elevating the floor can improve ROM for Smith Machine bent over rows.

Pull-ups: The Importance of Full Range of Motion

Pull-ups are an amazing lat stimulus and a great back movement in general. To perform them properly, you should be able to do at least 5-10 reps in your first set, with full ROM. Focus on a big stretch at the bottom, stretching out those lats, and aim to get your chin over the bar. As you get stronger, start adding weight, and perform about three or four sets.

Controlling the Eccentric Portion

When doing pull-ups, it is essential to control the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement, especially on your last rep. This provides additional muscle stimulus, as your muscles are already fatigued and more prone to damage. Avoid simply dropping off the bar after the last concentric (lifting) rep, as this can limit potential growth.

Varying Pull-down Technique

Try experimenting with different pull-down techniques to target various parts of your back. One approach is to pull the bar down to the lower part of your sternum, rather than the clavicle. This can help activate your lats more effectively. Maintain proper technique by leaning forward at the top of the movement and staying upright at the bottom.

Smith Machine Bent Over Rows

Using the Smith Machine for bent over rows offers a smooth and controlled movement. Perform three sets of 10-20 reps, focusing on a big stretch at the bottom and keeping your chest up. The key is to maintain strict form and avoid using momentum or swaying during the exercise.

Elevating the Floor for Full Range of Motion

To achieve full ROM with Smith Machine bent over rows, consider elevating the floor using a platform or other suitable surface. This allows for a greater stretch at the bottom of the movement, leading to increased muscle activation and growth.


In summary, focusing on full ROM exercises and maintaining proper technique is crucial for maximizing muscle growth during your back workout. Pull-ups, varied pull-down techniques, and Smith Machine bent over rows are all effective exercises to include in your routine. By following the tips and insights provided in this article, you can enhance your back workout and achieve impressive results.

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