Shoulder and Chest Workout- INSANE PUMP!

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Dom’s Intensive Shoulder and Chest Training at Renaissance Gym

In this article, we will discuss Dom’s intense shoulder and chest training session at the Renaissance Gym. We will cover the workout structure, exercises, techniques, and tips to help you get the most out of your own training. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from Dom’s workout!

Workout Structure and Prioritizing Muscle Groups

  • Dom’s program has one day per week dedicated to chest and shoulder training, alternating the priority between the two muscle groups.
  • According to the specificity principle, the muscle group you need to hit most should come first in your workout. In this session, Dom prioritizes shoulders.

Exercises and Techniques

  1. Free Motion Cross Body Laterals with a Pause
    • Dom starts with multiple sets in the 10-15 or 10-20 rep range, possibly lightening the load and doing more reps towards the end.
    • He focuses on a slow and controlled movement, holding at the top for an extra challenge.
  2. Super ROM Laterals
    • Another shoulder exercise, Dom uses lighter weights and emphasizes proper technique to avoid injury.
    • He performs around five sets, controlling the eccentric movement and varying the load throughout.
  3. Incline Smith Machine Barbell Press
    • Dom moves on to chest exercises, beginning with the incline press on a heavy Smith machine.
    • He focuses on full range of motion, one-second pauses, and controlled movement throughout the exercise.
  4. Nautilus Impact Chest Press Machine
    • Dom finishes the workout with this chest press machine, performing two sets with heavier weights and one set with lighter weights.
    • He aims for 20 reps in the final set, pushing himself to achieve the rep goal.

Regulating Exercises and Recovery

While Dom initially planned to do three chest exercises and an isolation move, he realized that due to the intensity of the workout, he needed to scale back to allow for recovery before his next chest and shoulder training session. It’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to optimize your training.


In summary, Dom’s intense shoulder and chest workout at the Renaissance Gym is a great example of prioritizing muscle groups, focusing on proper technique, and making adjustments as needed for recovery. Incorporating these principles and exercises into your own training can help you reach new heights in your fitness journey.

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