Safe Lifting Technique to Prevent Injuries

This entry is part [part not set] of 9 in the series Injury Prevention Made Simple by RP


In this article, we will discuss the importance of safe lifting techniques in order to minimize injury risk while working out. Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization shares seven technique fundamentals that can be applied to virtually every exercise, ensuring the lowest possible risk of injury. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of your workout without putting your body at unnecessary risk.

Safe Lifting Technique Fundamentals

1. Full and standardized range of motion: Performing exercises through their complete range of motion allows you to reduce the external load while maintaining high internal muscular force. This minimizes the risk of injury from excessive loads or unexpected shifts in movement. Standardizing your range of motion also prevents your body from being exposed to unusual forces that can lead to injury.

2. Controlled eccentric movements: Fast, uncontrolled eccentric movements can cause high forces and increase the risk of injury. By controlling the eccentric portion of an exercise, you can minimize the stress on your joints and tendons, ultimately reducing the likelihood of injury.

3. Control momentum at movement end ranges: Avoid bouncing or jerking movements at the beginning and end of each repetition. Instead, slow down and control the movement, reducing the chances of injury from excessive force or instability.

4. Avoid cheating: Cheating during exercises can increase fatigue and decrease the effectiveness of the workout. Additionally, cheating can lead to higher forces on fatigued structures, increasing the risk of injury.

5. Avoid repeatedly painful positions: If an exercise consistently causes pain, consider adjusting your form or choosing an alternative exercise. Continuing to perform painful movements can exacerbate existing issues and increase the likelihood of injury.

6. Avoid unstable moves with heavy loads: Unstable movements or positions with heavy loads can increase the risk of injury. Opt for more stable exercises when lifting heavier weights and save unstable exercises for higher rep ranges with lower weights.

7. Be aware of questionable positions: Certain positions, such as rounded lumbar, high load shoulder joint moves, and unintentional bilateral asymmetry, can increase the risk of injury. Be mindful of these positions and modify your form as necessary to minimize the risk.


By adhering to these seven safe lifting technique fundamentals, you can reduce your risk of injury and maximize the effectiveness of your workouts. Remember to perform exercises with a full and standardized range of motion, control eccentric movements and momentum, avoid cheating and repeatedly painful positions, and be aware of questionable positions. By incorporating these principles into your workouts, you can enjoy the benefits of exercise while minimizing the risk of injury.

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