Regular Soda Is Better Than Diet Soda- BULLSHT

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Fitness Myths by RP

Debunking the Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda Debate

There is a common misconception that replacing diet soda with regular soda will lead to better health, but this notion is far from the truth. In this article, we will discuss the differences between diet and regular soda, the effects of artificial sweeteners, and the reasons behind the misguided belief that regular soda is a healthier option.

Comparing Diet and Regular Soda

  • Both diet and regular soda provide similar levels of hydration due to their water content and acidity levels.
  • Carbonation effects, which can impact dental health, are also nearly the same for both types of soda.
  • The primary difference between the two lies in the sweeteners used: real sugar in regular soda and artificial sweeteners in diet soda.

Artificial Sweeteners vs. Sugar

  • Contrary to popular belief, there are very few downsides to artificial sweeteners. One study showed that stevia, a natural artificial sweetener, may have negative effects on gut microbiome.
  • On the other hand, sugar has several downsides, including a high calorie content that can contribute to weight gain if not properly managed.
  • Sugar also does not significantly reduce appetite, meaning that consuming a sugary drink will not satisfy hunger.
  • Furthermore, sugar is worse for dental health compared to artificial sweeteners.

The Argument from Nature Fallacy

One of the main reasons people believe that regular soda is healthier than diet soda is due to the argument from nature fallacy, which asserts that natural substances are inherently better than artificial ones. This logic is flawed, as there are countless examples of natural substances that can be harmful and artificial substances that can be beneficial.

Exceptions and Nuances

While there may be a very small percentage of cases where regular soda is marginally better than diet soda due to individual sensitivities, these instances are rare and do not justify the general claim that regular soda is a healthier choice.


In summary, diet soda is not inherently worse than regular soda, and the belief that regular soda is a healthier option is largely unfounded. It is essential to manage calorie intake and prioritize dental health when consuming any type of soda. The decision between diet and regular soda should ultimately be based on personal preference and individual health considerations.

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