Progressing in Strength Training: A Comprehensive Guide

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Strength Made Simple by RP


Progressing in strength training is essential for achieving the best possible results. In this article, we will discuss the most important takeaways from Dr. Mike Israetel’s Renaissance Periodization Strength Training Made Simple video. We’ll cover how to choose the right weights and rep ranges, determining the appropriate rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and how to progress effectively week by week.

Choosing the Right Weight and Rep Range

Start by selecting a weight that falls within your target rep range:

  • Strength-focused hypertrophy training: sets of 5-10
  • Basic strength: sets of 3-6
  • Peaking or limit strength: sets of 1-3

Choose a challenging weight for the rep range and perform enough sets to approach your maximum recoverable volume by the end of the mesocycle.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

For the first week, aim for an RPE of 7. Adjust the weights between sets if necessary to maintain the target RPE. Document all the reps, weight, and sets performed.

Progressing Week by Week

To progress effectively, follow these guidelines:

  • Add enough weight to maintain or increase the RPE by 1, focusing on the load rather than reps.
  • Ensure that your performance improves each week, but avoid making drastic jumps in RPE.
  • Use your experience and warm-ups to determine the appropriate weight increase, typically between 2.5 and 15 pounds, depending on the exercise.
  • Keep the number of sets relatively constant, but consider adjusting volume or accumulation phase length if you’re not adequately challenged or fatigued by the end of the mesocycle.


In summary, progressing in strength training requires selecting the appropriate weight and rep range, managing RPE, and making consistent improvements each week. By adhering to these principles, you can ensure steady progress and avoid overtraining or injury.

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