Pro Hockey Player Turned Powerlifter FORCED to Quit

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will explore an intense workout session featuring TJ and Jon, two power lifters who are taking on a bodybuilding day. We will dive into the exercises they perform, their techniques, and their reactions to this challenging workout. Let’s get into it!

Leg Press: Exercise One

  • Four sets of anywhere between 10 and 20 reps
  • Focus on depth and proper form
  • Increasing intensity by lowering the number of plates used

TJ and Jon begin their workout with leg presses. Although they are not used to high reps, they push through the challenge, focusing on proper form and depth. As they progress through the sets, they lower the number of plates used to increase the intensity and get a good burn.

Smith Machine Squats: Exercise Two

  • Three sets with one plate on the Smith machine
  • Heels elevated and maintaining an upright posture
  • Emphasizing full pauses and proper knee positioning

After completing the leg press, TJ and Jon move on to Smith machine squats. With their heels elevated and maintaining an upright posture, they emphasize full pauses and proper knee positioning during each squat. This exercise proves to be challenging, but they continue to push themselves and finish strong.


In this workout session, TJ and Jon showcase their determination and strength as they take on a bodybuilding day. They complete two challenging exercises, leg presses and Smith machine squats, while focusing on proper form and technique. These power lifters prove that pushing oneself beyond one’s comfort zone can lead to growth and progress in any fitness journey.

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