NATURAL Figure Competitor Upper Body Workout, 4 Weeks Out

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Training Session with Dr. Liz Griffin: Preparing for a Figure Show

In this article, we will discuss a training session with Dr. Liz Griffin, a veterinarian and figure competitor, and her coach Jared Feather. The session focuses on an upper-inficit workout designed to prepare Liz for her second figure show. We will outline the various exercises that were performed during this session, and explain the importance of each movement for figure athletes. Finally, we will sum up the main points and provide a brief recap of the key takeaways.


Four weeks out from her second figure show, Dr. Liz Griffin is starting her last mesocycle before the competition. The training session with Jared Feather aims to push her harder than normal for week one, with three weeks of hard training followed by a week of deload. The volume is higher than usual to maximize her results before the show.


  1. High Incline Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press – This compound pressing movement targets the upper chest and front delts, which are important for figure competitors. The exercise is performed with multiple sets of 5 to 15 repetitions.
  2. Smith Machine Shoulder Press – This exercise focuses on front delt work, with some tricep and upper chest involvement. It is important for figure athletes to have well-developed front delts. Using a mini chair allows for better range of motion and shoulder joint comfort. Three sets of this exercise are performed.
  3. Giant Set of Pull Downs – Aiming for a total of 45 reps, this exercise is great for focusing on movement quality and proper rest between mini sets. The goal is to achieve perfect repetitions, emphasizing the importance of mind-muscle connection.
  4. Machine Rows – This exercise is performed on a high-quality Matrix Equipment machine at Dragon’s Lair gym. The focus is on proper protraction and retraction, with three sets of 10 to 20 reps.
  5. Bicep Curls (Jared Feather Style) – This variation of bicep curls isolates the biceps while minimizing forearm flexor involvement. Three sets of 5 to 15 reps are performed.


In preparation for her figure show, Dr. Liz Griffin undergoes an intense training session that includes a variety of exercises targeting key muscle groups for figure competitors. The importance of proper form, mind-muscle connection, and focusing on targeted muscle development are emphasized throughout the session. By incorporating these exercises and techniques, figure athletes can optimize their training and achieve their desired physique for competitions.

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