More Cardio Equal More Weight Lost

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Fitness Myths by RP

Debunking the Fitness Myth: Does More Cardio Always Equal More Weight Loss?

In this article, we will explore the common fitness myth that more cardio always leads to more weight loss. We will discuss the claims, the reasons why it’s wrong, the grains of truth, and the best practices to achieve sustainable weight loss through a balanced approach to cardio and diet.

Claims and Counterarguments

The myth claims that the more cardio you do, the more weight and fat you will lose. However, there are several reasons why this is not always true:

  • Ponser’s Paradox: This principle suggests that as humans reach high levels of physical activity, they unknowingly reduce their energy expenditure in other areas of their lives. This means that while you may be increasing cardio, you might also be unintentionally reducing your overall daily energy expenditure.
  • Fatigue: If you push your cardio too high, you may experience extreme fatigue that can negatively impact your training, sleep, and daily life. This is not a sustainable approach to weight loss.
  • Elite Athletes: Even high-performance athletes do not continuously push their cardio to extreme levels. They understand the importance of balancing their energy expenditure and recovery to ensure optimal performance.

The Grains of Truth

While the myth is not universally true, there are some instances where increasing cardio can lead to weight loss:

  • Those who are starting from low or moderate activity levels can benefit from increasing their cardio to achieve weight loss.
  • Cardio is still an essential element of a healthy lifestyle and can contribute to fat loss when done in a sustainable and balanced way.

Best Practices for Sustainable Weight Loss

When trying to achieve weight loss, it is crucial to prioritize diet and follow a balanced approach:

  • Diet First: Before increasing your cardio, consider adjusting your diet to create a calorie deficit.
  • Choose the Least Painful Option: When deciding whether to reduce food intake or increase cardio, choose the option that causes you the least misery and stress.
  • Find the Right Balance: If you feel tired throughout the day and are not progressing in your fat loss, consider adjusting your nutrient intake or taking a maintenance phase to recover.


In conclusion, the belief that more cardio always results in more weight loss is a myth. A balanced approach to diet and exercise is essential for sustainable weight loss. By prioritizing diet, listening to your body, and finding the right balance between food intake and cardio, you can achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable manner.

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