A Method Has Strong Lifters That Means its Best For Me

This entry is part [part not set] of 8 in the series Strength Training Myths by RP


In this article, we will debunk the myth that if a gym or group of lifters has a successful training method, you should train exactly like them to achieve similar results. We will analyze the factors that contribute to their success and discuss how to approach integrating elements of their training into your own routine.

Claims and Myths

Claims about the success of certain gyms, groups, or training methods often focus on the number of champions produced or records broken. For example, the legendary Bulgarian weightlifting team of the late 1980s, or the Westside Barbell gym, which held numerous world records. The myth is that copying their training methods will lead to similar success.

What Success Tells Us

  • Successful gyms or methods are onto something, but it might not be their training specifically.
  • Their training is not awful and has merit, but may not be ideal for all lifters.

What Success Doesn’t Tell Us

When people are successful, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact factors that contributed to their success. Some possibilities include:

  • Genetics of the population being trained
  • Recruitment of gifted lifters from various locations
  • Drug use, which can boost performance and results
  • Nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle diligence
  • Survivor bias, where only the genetically elite or injury-resistant lifters make it through a harsh training program
  • Perception and public relations, where the success of a few lifters is amplified through media coverage and online presence

The Best Approach

When integrating elements of successful training methods into your own routine, consider the following:

  • Learn elements of the approach, not copying it wholesale.
  • Don’t expect a revolution. Marginal improvements will accumulate over time.
  • Develop your own methods, tailored to your genetics, lifestyle, and individual needs.


In conclusion, while it is essential to learn from successful gyms, lifters, and training methods, it is crucial not to copy their routines blindly. Instead, integrate elements of their approaches into your own training, focusing on marginal improvements and tailoring the methods to your specific needs, genetics, and lifestyle. By doing this, you can create a unique, personalized training routine that helps you achieve your goals.

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