Men’s Physique Olympian Improves His Back training With RP

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will follow a group of fitness enthusiasts, including Nick Koeu, Jared Feather, and Mike, as they go through an intense back workout session. We will highlight the key exercises, techniques, and insights shared by the group to help you understand and improve your own training routine.

Back Workout Exercises and Tips

  1. Pull-Downs: Start with sets of 15-20 reps, and lower the weight with each set to maintain the rep range. Focus on full range of motion and proper form.
  2. Lat Prayers: Emphasize stretching and full extension at the top, with a gentle touch down to the hips or tummy. Aim for sets of 10-20 reps.
  3. Cambered Bar Rows: Perform these with a completely flat back and minimal upper body movement. Sets of 10-15 reps are recommended.

Techniques for Better Results

  • Focus on controlling the movement and maintaining proper form throughout each exercise.
  • Ensure that your chest remains lifted and arched throughout the movements, particularly during rows.
  • Minimize upper body movement and focus on engaging the lats for maximum muscle activation.
  • When transitioning between exercises, avoid swinging or using momentum to maintain proper form and muscle engagement.

Additional Shoulder and Bicep Exercises

Jared and Mike also incorporate shoulder and bicep exercises into their routine, allowing for three sessions per week instead of two. They perform myo rep sets for shoulders and additional bicep exercises off-camera.


In summary, an effective back workout consists of exercises such as pull-downs, lat prayers, and cambered bar rows. Focusing on proper form, minimizing upper body movement, and maintaining a strong, arched chest will help maximize the benefits of your training. Additionally, incorporating shoulder and bicep exercises into your routine can provide further muscle development and growth.

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