Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle (Nutrition Myths)

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Nutrition Myths by RP


In this article, we explore the concept of losing fat while gaining muscle, a popular topic in the world of fitness and nutrition. Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization breaks down this idea into various claims and explains why it might not be the most effective approach for most people. By understanding the limitations and best practices for muscle gain and fat loss, you can make more informed decisions about your fitness journey.

Claims and Limitations

The notion of losing fat while gaining muscle revolves around several claims, including:

  • You can readily gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
  • You can gain a significant amount of muscle with no fat gain simultaneously.
  • You don’t need distinct muscle gain and fat loss phases because you can achieve both at the same time.

While there is some truth to these claims, they come with severe limitations. Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is possible but mainly works well for beginners, those returning to training after a long layoff, or those using special sports supplements. For more advanced individuals, the gains are often painfully slow and difficult to notice.

Alternative Approach: Distinct Muscle Gain and Fat Loss Phases

A more effective approach for most people is to focus on distinct muscle gain (massing) and fat loss (cutting) phases. This strategy allows you to take advantage of the powerful anabolic effect of a hypercaloric condition during massing and the potent fat-burning effect of a caloric deficit during cutting. By alternating between these two phases, you can achieve better results than attempting to recomp or lean gain continuously.

Best Practices for Different Levels of Experience

Depending on your experience and goals, the following recommendations may work best for you:

  • Beginners: Focus on bodyweight stability for the first 6-12 months while learning proper diet and training habits. This approach will yield impressive results without overwhelming you with extreme calorie restrictions or surpluses.
  • Returning to training or dieting: Recomping can work well for those returning to training or dieting after a long layoff. However, once results start to plateau, it’s crucial to transition to intentional massing or cutting phases.
  • Advanced athletes: Embrace a phasic approach by alternating between dedicated massing and cutting phases. This strategy will help you maximize your muscle gain and fat loss results.


In summary, while losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously is possible in certain circumstances, it’s not the most effective approach for most people. By understanding the limitations of this approach and adopting a phasic method with distinct muscle gain and fat loss phases, you can achieve better results and continue progressing in your fitness journey.

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