Learn How To Train Legs Like an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP
Maximizing Leg Workout for Off-Season Muscle Growth

In this article, we will discuss a comprehensive leg workout routine to maximize muscle growth during the off-season. The workout focuses on increasing the size and strength of the hamstrings and quads, and is perfect for those who have recently won their pro card or competed in a bodybuilding show.

Starting with Hamstring Focused Exercises

  • Begin your workout with straight leg deadlifts to target hamstrings without putting too much strain on the lower back.
  • Keep the movement slow and controlled, focusing on maintaining tension in the hamstrings and not letting your lower back round at the bottom of the movement.
  • Limit heavy sets to 6-7 reps, as this is a taxing movement for the erectors and can lead to fatigue if overdone.

Switching to Quad Focused Exercises

  • Transition to quad exercises, such as the Arsenal pendulum squat, which focuses on stacking joints for optimal force production.
  • Keep your chest up and maintain tension in the quads by ensuring your toes and knees are aligned and your heels are firmly pressed into the ground.
  • Complete 2-3 sets, depending on your individual recovery and training schedule.

Leg Press Myo-Rep Sets

  • Finish the workout with leg press myo-rep sets, which consist of an initial set of 10-15 reps, followed by two additional sets with shorter rest periods in between.
  • Focus on maintaining control throughout the movement, pushing through your heels and keeping your upper body stable.
  • Perform a total of three myo-rep sets to maximize muscle growth and cap off an intense leg workout.


In summary, this off-season leg workout routine focuses on targeting hamstrings and quads for maximum muscle growth. By starting with hamstring-focused exercises, transitioning to quad-focused movements, and finishing with leg press myo-rep sets, you can effectively increase the size and strength of your legs during the off-season. Remember to maintain proper form, control, and tension throughout each exercise for the best results.

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