Keto Burns More Fat (Nutrition Myths)

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Nutrition Myths by RP

Debunking the Keto Fat-Burning Myth

In today’s article, we explore the widely debated claim that the ketogenic diet, or keto, burns more fat than other diets with the same caloric intake. We will discuss the claim’s origin, reasons for its falsity, some benefits of keto, and best practices for using the diet effectively.

The Keto Claim

Proponents of the ketogenic diet argue that its high fat intake teaches the body to burn more fat for fuel, putting it in a special fat-burning state, and thus burns more fat than other diets with the same caloric intake. However, there are several reasons why these claims are not accurate:

  • Your body does burn more fat on keto, but it’s burning the fat you’re eating, not extra body fat that isn’t already accounted for by calories.
  • Ketosis, the metabolic state resulting from a keto diet, offers no special net fat-burning results.
  • Studies have shown that when caloric intake is the same, the amount of weight lost is similar regardless of the macronutrient composition of the diet.
  • Ultimately, the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit, not the specific macronutrient composition of the diet.

The Silver Linings of Keto

Despite the inaccuracy of the fat-burning claims, many people find success with the keto diet for the following reasons:

  • Some people experience a reduction in appetite, leading to fewer calories consumed and better adherence to the diet.
  • Many common cheat or snack foods are not keto-friendly, reducing temptation and overeating.
  • Some individuals report mental calmness and improved mood on keto, increasing adherence in the medium term.

Best Practices for Keto

If you want to try the keto diet, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Keto can be an effective weight loss tool for some, but it’s not magical. It works best for those who find it enhances their adherence to a calorie deficit.
  • If you’re an athlete or interested in maximum muscularity and performance, high-carb diets may be a better choice.
  • If keto doesn’t work for you, don’t force it. Choose a healthy diet that controls calories and suits your lifestyle.
  • Transition intelligently out of keto by slowly reintroducing carbohydrates, starting with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


In summary, the ketogenic diet is not a magical fat-burning solution, but it can be an effective weight loss tool for some individuals. The key to success lies in adherence to a calorie deficit and finding a diet that works best for you. If you choose to try keto, be sure to transition intelligently and remember that a healthy, balanced diet is the most sustainable long-term solution.

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