Jacked Trainer Gets Devastated By RP Hamstring and Quad Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will explore an intense lower body workout that emphasizes hamstring and quad training, featuring Jen Aguirre and Dr. Jared Feather. The workout consists of three main exercises – stiff-legged deadlifts, leg curls, and Smith Machine squats – all aimed at targeting the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Let’s dive into the details of each exercise and the key takeaways from this intense training session.

Exercise 1: Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

  • Proper execution is crucial, with a focus on targeting the hamstrings.
  • Keep a slight bend in the knees, and focus on the hip joint movement.
  • Slow and controlled movements are essential, especially on the way down.
  • Perform multiple sets of 5-10 reps, as hamstrings respond well to heavy loads.
  • Higher reps can lead to fatigue in the lower and upper back, compromising the effectiveness of the exercise.

Exercise 2: Leg Curls

  • Performed after stiff-legged deadlifts to give the lower back a break.
  • Focus on eccentric movements and full range of motion.
  • Perform 2-4 sets of 10-20 reps, as lower reps are not as effective for leg curls.

Exercise 3: Smith Machine Squats

  • Designed to finish off the quads while providing some glute volume.
  • Feet should be far out, and the body should be kept upright to target the quads.
  • Perform 3-4 sets of 5-15 reps, focusing on good technique and effort.
  • In the last set, try mini cluster sets of four reps with no lockout at the top for an intense metabolite finish.


This intense lower body workout, featuring Jen Aguirre and Dr. Jared Feather, highlights the importance of proper execution, effort, and technique in achieving optimal results. By performing stiff-legged deadlifts, leg curls, and Smith Machine squats with the right approach, it is possible to target the hamstrings, quads, and glutes effectively. Remember to focus on good technique as the foundation and layer effort on top of it to pave the road to all the gains that your genetics allow.

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