Is Viagra Better Than Steroids For Muscle Growth (New Research)

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Science Explained Series by Jeff Nippard


A recent study has generated significant hype regarding the potential of Viagra to increase muscle mass. The research suggests that sildenafil, the medical term for Viagra, increases muscle protein synthesis and reduces muscle fatigue. However, it is essential to critically analyze the findings and evaluate their applicability to bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

Study Details and Concerns

  • The study included only 11 subjects, with five in the Viagra group and six in the placebo group.
  • Participants were described as healthy, but they were quite overweight, with average body fat percentages between 27 and 35%.
  • The results of the study might not be as impressive as they seem, as similar spikes in muscle protein synthesis can be achieved by consuming protein.

Key Insights from Protein Researcher Jorn Tromelin

  • Despite the small sample size, there was a significant difference between the Viagra and placebo groups, indicating a noteworthy effect of the drug.
  • The duration of the increase in muscle protein synthesis is unclear, with protein intake providing a boost for 2-4 hours and testosterone injections lasting for an entire week.
  • Viagra might have a synergistic effect with protein and exercise, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Mixed Muscle Protein Synthesis vs. Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis

  • The study measured mixed muscle protein synthesis, which might not be as applicable to bodybuilders as myofibrillar (muscle fiber) protein synthesis.
  • Myofibrillar protein synthesis is more important for strength athletes, while mixed muscle protein synthesis is crucial for metabolic health and endurance athletes.

Viagra vs. Testosterone Injections: Personal Experience

Bodybuilder John’s personal experience suggests that Viagra and Cialis might provide a pump effect, but they are not comparable to testosterone injections in terms of muscle growth and strength gains.

Reduced Muscle Fatigue and Increased Volume

Subjects taking Viagra were able to perform about 150% more reps on a set of leg extensions, indicating reduced muscle fatigue. This is significant as volume is a primary driver of hypertrophy, and if Viagra allows for more total reps, it could contribute to muscle growth.


While the study shows some promise for the use of Viagra in increasing muscle mass, it is essential to remember the potential side effects and the need for further research. For now, it is advisable not to get too excited about these findings and wait for more conclusive evidence before considering Viagra as a part of a supplement stack.

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