IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Trains Legs with RP

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Maximizing Leg Workouts with IFBB Pro Ashley Lakamowski

In this article, we will explore an intense leg workout with IFBB Pro Ashley Lakamowski and her training partners, focusing on hamstring and quad exercises. We will discuss the importance of full range of motion, proper form, and tracking progress for optimal results.

Key Takeaways from the Workout

  • Focus on hamstring exercises first, followed by quads
  • Full range of motion is essential for effective muscle stimulus
  • Proper form helps prevent injury and ensures the targeted muscles are worked
  • Tracking progress through metrics such as pump, soreness, and recovery helps guide training decisions

Hamstring Exercises

During the workout, Ashley performs the following hamstring exercises:

  • Lying hamstring curl
  • Smith machine good morning

For these exercises, it is crucial to maintain control throughout the movement and use a full range of motion. Women may have an advantage in this area, as they often have less ego involved in their workouts and are more focused on proper form.

Smith Machine Good Morning

Foot placement is essential for this exercise. Experiment with placing your feet slightly in front of, directly under, or slightly behind the bar to find the position that allows for the best range of motion and tension in your hamstrings.

Quad Exercises

After focusing on hamstrings, Ashley performs a leg press exercise. To ensure she gets the most out of this exercise, her training partners modify the leg press machine by adding a foam roller and a pad. This modification allows for a full range of motion at the knee without compromising safety.

Superset for Glutes, Hamstrings, and Quads

Ashley finishes the workout with a superset consisting of a lunge to sumo squat. This superset targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, helping to round out the lower body workout.

Calf Training

Proper calf training involves a slow, deep stretch followed by a full lockout. High-quality calf raises can be humbling, as they require less weight and more focus on form than other exercises.


In summary, an effective leg workout with IFBB Pro Ashley Lakamowski includes a focus on hamstring exercises first, followed by quad exercises and a superset targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Full range of motion, proper form, and tracking progress are essential for maximizing results and minimizing injury risk. Incorporating these principles into your leg workouts can help you achieve the strong, sculpted lower body you desire.

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