IFBB PRO Bernardo Costa Trains Legs with RP All-Star Trevor Fullbright

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Joe vs Pro: Leg Workout Showdown

In this intense leg workout battle, Trevor Fulbright represents the Joes while Bernardo Costa, an IFBB Pro, represents the Pros. Both athletes will undergo a rigorous exercise routine consisting of leg curls, leg presses, and high bar squats. We will then analyze their performance and discuss the key takeaways from this showdown.

Workout Plan

  1. Seated leg curls: 4 sets, 10-20 reps
  2. Leg press: 4 sets, 10-20 reps
  3. High bar squat (Smith machine): 3 sets, 5-15 reps

Key Takeaways

  • Leg curls as a warm-up: Starting with leg curls helps to stimulate the hamstrings without causing systemic fatigue. This allows for a better performance in the subsequent leg press and high bar squat exercises.
  • Full range of motion: Both athletes focused on utilizing their full range of motion during the leg press, which ensures a more effective workout.
  • Smith machine for squats: Using the Smith machine for high bar squats provides more stability and convenience, especially when the athletes are already fatigued from previous exercises. Additionally, the free squat area was occupied during this workout session.
  • Slow and controlled reps: The athletes performed slow and controlled reps during the high bar squats, which allows for better muscle engagement and reduces the risk of injury.


In the battle of Joe vs Pro, both athletes demonstrated exceptional effort and determination in their leg workout. The key takeaways from this showdown highlight the importance of starting with a warm-up exercise, utilizing full range of motion, using appropriate equipment, and maintaining slow and controlled reps. By applying these principles and pushing oneself to the limit, you can achieve optimal muscle growth and improved performance in your leg workouts.

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