How to Train ARMS for Growth (10 Studies)

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Science Explained Series by Jeff Nippard

Introduction: Understanding Arm Anatomy for Effective Training

To develop a comprehensive arm training program, it’s essential to first understand the anatomy of the upper arm. In this article, we’ll discuss the muscles involved, how to train them effectively, and provide recommendations for volume and frequency.

Upper Arm Muscles

The upper arm consists of:
– Three anterior compartment muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis, and coracobrachialis
– One posterior compartment muscle: triceps brachii

Training Biceps

To optimize biceps training, it’s crucial to:
– Include isolation exercises along with compound movements, such as curling exercises
– Find a comfortable main movement suited for steady, progressive overloading
– Perform heavy movements first in the training session
– Utilize controlled eccentrics for increased muscle protein synthesis
– Consider grip and width to maximize activation

Training Triceps

To optimize triceps training, consider the following:
– Bench press as a heavy compound movement
– Combine pressing movements with isolation exercises for optimal progress
– Include exercises that train elbow extension at different shoulder positions
– Use a variety of grips for even involvement of tricep heads
– Incorporate medicine ball push-ups as a finisher exercise

Volume and Frequency Recommendations

– 8 weekly sets as a minimum for progress
– 14-20 weekly sets for most intermediate to advanced trainees
– Training arms at least twice per week

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Effective Arm Training

To maximize arm development, it’s essential to understand the anatomy of the upper arm and tailor your training program accordingly. By incorporating a combination of compound and isolation exercises, using proper grip and width, and following appropriate volume and frequency recommendations, you can effectively build bigger and stronger arms. Consistency, proper nutrition, and adherence to training principles are vital for taking your arm size to the next level.

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