How to Prioritize for GAINS

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Hypertrophy Made Simple by RP

Introduction: Prioritizing Muscle Groups in Hypertrophy Training

In hypertrophy training, prioritizing certain muscle groups can help you achieve a balanced and well-proportioned physique. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why prioritizing is important and provide a simple six-step checklist to help you effectively prioritize your muscle groups for optimal results.

Reasons to Prioritize Muscle Groups

1. Imbalance: One side of your body or one muscle might be bigger than the other, and prioritizing can help you correct this imbalance.

2. Limited resources: When training hard, you might need to focus more on certain muscle groups and less on others to give your body the resources and energy it needs for effective workouts.

3. Personal preference: You might want a particular muscle group to stand out, such as having bigger arms or a more defined chest.

Six-Step Checklist for Prioritizing Muscle Groups

1. Train the prioritized muscle group from its minimum effective volume to its maximum recoverable volume, focusing on local limits rather than systemic limits.

2. Train the prioritized muscle group first in most of your weekly training sessions to ensure you have the most energy for it.

3. Begin training the prioritized muscle group after a layoff (e.g., a day off) to ensure you start fresh and fully rested.

4. Choose exercises with the highest raw stimulus magnitudes, focusing on compound and heavy barbell work that will challenge the target muscle group.

5. Increase the training frequency for the prioritized muscle group to its highest sustainable level.

6. Reduce the volume for interfering muscle groups to their minimum effective or maintenance volume, focusing on reducing systemic load and avoiding fatigue spillover.

Conclusion: Balancing Prioritization and Overall Muscle Growth

In conclusion, prioritizing muscle groups in hypertrophy training can help you address imbalances or achieve specific physique goals. It is essential to follow the six-step checklist to ensure you are effectively targeting the prioritized muscle group while maintaining overall muscle growth. Remember, the number of muscles you prioritize and reduce depends on what works best for you and your training goals.

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