How To Annihilate Your Legs With Only A Squat Rack

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


Meet Amanda, a former Crossfitter and powerlifter who decided to switch to a wellness-focused lifestyle. Despite her pursuit of balance, she is no stranger to intense workouts. In this article, we document the grueling leg workout she undertakes with the help of her trainer, Jared, highlighting the essential components of proper leg training: good technique and a tremendous amount of willpower.

Leg Workout Breakdown

  1. Relatively Heavy Squats: Start with three sets of squats within the 5-15 rep range, focusing on maintaining good technique throughout. Adjust the number of reps based on how you feel, aiming for sets of 8-10 reps to achieve a balance of volume and tension stimulus.
  2. Relatively Heavy Good Mornings: Targeting hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and adductor complex, perform three sets of good mornings. The key is to keep the back tight and reach back with the butt while maintaining tension on the hamstrings.
  3. Tom Platt Style Weightlifting Quad Squats: To alleviate the load on the lower and mid-back, perform four sets of 10-15 elevated heel squats. This variation emphasizes quad activation, promoting a more upright posture.
  4. Final Squat Challenge: Finish off the workout with two sets of continuous, non-paused squats, followed by ultra-slow squats, pushing yourself to the limit. This part of the workout requires immense willpower and mental toughness.

Key Takeaways

Proper leg training consists of two crucial ingredients: good technique and a significant amount of willpower. A well-rounded leg workout includes exercises like heavy squats, good mornings, and quad-focused squats, as demonstrated by Amanda in her intense training session. With dedication and perseverance, it’s possible to achieve impressive results and inspire others to push their limits.

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