How Long to Rest Between Sets

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Hypertrophy Made Simple by RP


In this article, we will discuss the optimal rest period between sets for muscle hypertrophy, based on Dr. Mike Israetel’s Hypertrophy Made Simple video series. Resting between sets is crucial for muscle growth, and determining the right rest duration depends on checking a few boxes.

Four Boxes to Check Before Starting the Next Set

1. Target muscle readiness: Ensure that your target muscle can perform at least five more reps in the next set. Resting longer might be necessary if you cannot achieve this. A minimum of five reps per set is recommended for efficient muscle stimulation and growth.

2. Cardiovascular readiness: Your cardiovascular system should not be the limiting factor in the upcoming set. If you are still catching your breath, wait until your breathing is under control before starting the next set. This ensures that the target muscle is the limiting factor, not your cardio.

3. Nervous system and psychological readiness: Make sure you feel mentally and physically prepared for the next set. If you are still feeling intimidated or overwhelmed by the previous set, take a few more minutes to rest and regain your confidence.

4. Synergist muscle recovery: Ensure that supporting muscles are not limiting your performance in the next set. If other muscles, like your forearms during bicep curls, are still burning, give yourself more time to recover to avoid hindering your target muscle’s performance.

Examples of Rest Periods for Different Exercises

– Machine calf raises: Rest for about 10 seconds between sets. This quick recovery time is sufficient because calf raises are not cardio-intensive and do not require significant nervous system or synergist muscle recovery.

– Barbell squats with heavy weights: Rest for about five minutes between sets. This longer rest period is necessary due to the cardiovascular, nervous system, and synergist muscle recovery needed after a heavy squat set.


The optimal rest period between sets depends on the individual and the exercise being performed. To determine the right rest duration, ensure that your target muscle, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and synergist muscles are ready for the next set. By checking these four boxes, you can optimize your muscle hypertrophy and training efficiency.

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