Heaviest Squat Attempt Ever at RP GYM + High Rep Leg Day

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we explore a workout session featuring Dr. Mike Israetel, John Hack, and Andy Huang at the Renaissance Gym. The trio demonstrates a mix of powerlifting and bodybuilding exercises that test their strength, endurance, and technique. Here are some of the highlights from their training session.

Warm Up and Top Sets

  • Andy Huang begins with hamstring work, performing Smith machine exercises for multiple sets of 8 reps.
  • John Hack does a top set of squats with a weight of around 675 to 700 pounds.

Hack Squats: A Taste of Bodybuilding Volume

  • John and Andy perform two sets of hack squats with myo rep pauses, challenging their muscular endurance.
  • Each set consists of 15 reps, with the first set at 500 pounds and the second set at 400 pounds.

Bodyweight Squats: The Ultimate Burnout

  • After completing their hack squat sets, John and Andy perform bodyweight squats, focusing on slow and controlled movements.
  • The duo aims to complete a minimum of 3 reps with proper form, emphasizing chest-up posture and slow descending movements.


In conclusion, the powerlifting and bodybuilding training session with Dr. Mike Israetel, John Hack, and Andy Huang showcases a blend of strength, technique, and endurance challenges. The athletes push themselves to their limits while maintaining proper form, demonstrating the importance of sport specificity in training. Despite the intense workout, John and Andy come out of it with a positive experience, appreciating the different challenges that bodybuilding volume brings.

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