Glute and Hamstring Garage Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Glute and Ham Workout with Taylor Torre: Key Takeaways and Techniques

In this article, we will discuss a glute and ham workout session with Taylor Torre, a recent wellness category winner at the NPC Sin City competition. This comprehensive glute-centered workout also targets the hamstrings, adductors, and quads. Here are some essential techniques and exercises that make up this effective workout:

Exercises and Techniques

  • Deficit Sumo Deadlifts: This exercise is excellent for targeting the glutes and adductors while also engaging the hamstrings.
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: Another great exercise for glutes and hamstrings, with Taylor’s technique being the gold standard to aspire to. Focus on keeping the back tight, knees far back, and going as deep as possible.
  • Dumbbell Lunges: A high-rep exercise that is popular among fitness enthusiasts, dumbbell lunges help pre-fatigue the glutes before moving on to the next exercise.
  • Sumo Squats (superset): Performed after lunges, sumo squats engage the glutes and use less load due to pre-fatigued muscles, resulting in high muscle activation.

Adapting Workouts for Limited Equipment

For those with limited equipment, improvisation is key. Vary stances and grip positions to create more exercise variations. For example, use wide, medium, and close grips for bench presses and different stances for deadlifts. Pick one or two variations and use them for a mesocycle or two before switching to keep the workout fresh.

Easing into Higher Volumes Post-Deload

After a deload, it’s essential to ease back into higher training volumes gradually. Start with a minimum effective volume during the first week of training to avoid overexertion and ensure sustainable progress.

Inspiration and Dedication: Taylor Torre’s Fat Loss Journey

Taylor Torre’s incredible 37-pound fat loss journey is a testament to her dedication and hard work. She followed a meticulous process, utilizing many principles similar to those used at RP, and serves as an inspiration to others embarking on their fitness journeys.


This glute and ham workout with Taylor Torre showcases some essential exercises and techniques for effectively targeting the glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and quads. By adapting workouts to suit limited equipment, gradually reintroducing higher training volumes, and drawing inspiration from Taylor’s dedication and progress, anyone can achieve their fitness goals and make lasting changes to their physique.

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