Give 100% Effort To Fitness Or Fail

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Fitness Myths by RP


In this article, we will discuss a common fitness myth that claims you have to give 100% effort to achieve results. We will examine the reasons why this belief is flawed, the grains of truth it contains, and best practices for achieving fitness goals.

Myth: All or Nothing Approach to Fitness

Many people believe that to achieve fitness results, one must commit their entire life to fitness and maintain 100% diet adherence and training intensity. This mindset often leads to burnout and abandonment of fitness goals altogether. However, this all-or-nothing approach is not necessary for achieving results.

Results Lie on a Spectrum

Results actually lie on a spectrum that scales with the effort put in. Generally, if you put in 50% of the work, you will get around 50% of the results. More importantly, if you do 90% of the good stuff, you will get about 90% of the results. There isn’t a cutoff switch where it’s all or nothing. Thus, any effort is better than no effort, and 90% plus effort is nearly identical to 100% effort.

Best Practices for Achieving Fitness Goals

To achieve fitness goals, keep in mind the following best practices:

  • Calorie balance: Ensure your calories are either in a deficit if you want to lose weight or a surplus if you want to gain weight. Deficits and surpluses must be maintained consistently over the course of the week for results to occur.
  • Training intensity: Train at or above your minimum effective volume, the least amount of volume required to grow muscle. This ensures that you will gain muscle as long as you are in a hypercaloric state.
  • Preference for results speed: Determine whether you want to achieve results quickly or are content with slow, steady progress. This will help you decide how intensely you want to adhere to your plan.
  • Sustainability: Find your personal breaking point for dedication and stay below it to prevent burnout. This will ensure long-term success in your fitness journey.


In summary, the all-or-nothing mindset in fitness is not necessary for achieving results. By understanding that results lie on a spectrum and following best practices for calorie balance, training intensity, preference for results speed, and sustainability, you can achieve your fitness goals without burning out or abandoning them. Remember, it’s better to invest consistent, sustainable effort rather than pushing yourself to the point of burnout.

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