Failure can be further than you think in this Chest and Triceps workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

ANTITAO Chest and Tricep Workout: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will explore the ANTI-TAO chest and tricep workout designed by Dr. Mike from Renaissance Periodization. This workout is an excellent way to target the chest and tricep muscles, aiming to maximize muscle growth with a well-rounded training approach. We will outline the exercises, set and rep ranges, and provide some useful tips on how to perform the workout effectively.

Introduction to ANTI-TAO Workout

The ANTI-TAO workout consists of several exercises targeting the chest and triceps. The workout begins with dumbbell flys, then moves on to wide grip bench presses, followed by tricep-focused exercises such as behind the head easy bar overhead extensions and close grip bench presses. The workout aims to maximize muscle growth through a combination of compound and isolation exercises and varying rep ranges.

Exercise Breakdown

  • Dumbbell Flys: Perform 3 sets with a rep range of 5-10, all with 0 reps in reserve. Warm-up before starting the working sets.
  • Wide Grip Bench Press: Perform 3 sets in the 10-20 rep range. Aim for a weight that will get you in the middle of the rep range for the first set.
  • Behind the Head Easy Bar Overhead Extensions: Perform 5 working sets, focusing on strict technique and good range of motion.
  • Close Grip Bench Press: Perform 4 sets in the 20-30 rep range. Focus on a lighter weight for a high rep burnout to finish the workout.

Rest Periods and Tips

Rest periods between sets are crucial for optimal hypertrophy training. Follow these guidelines to determine when you’re ready for your next set:

  • Ensure you can perform at least 5 reps on your next set. If you’re too tired, rest longer.
  • Wait until your nervous system is recovered and you feel strong enough to contract your muscles effectively.
  • Make sure your cardiorespiratory system isn’t limiting your next set. Rest until your breathing is stable.
  • Ensure synergist and stabilizer muscles are not the limiting factor. Wait until they have recovered before proceeding.

Progression and Peak Week

If you want to incorporate this workout into your training routine, start with 2-3 sets per exercise and keep reps about 3 reps shy of failure. Each week, add a little weight, a few reps, and increase sets gradually. After several weeks, you can reach a peak week where the workout consists of almost everything to failure with many sets.


The ANTI-TAO chest and tricep workout is a well-rounded approach to target both muscle groups effectively. By incorporating a variety of exercises, rep ranges, and focusing on proper rest and recovery, this workout can help you maximize muscle growth and reach your fitness goals. Remember to start with a manageable workload and progress gradually to reach your peak week, where you can push your limits and achieve optimal results.

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