Elite Powerlifters try an RP Bodybuilding Leg Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

High Volume Hypertrophy Leg Workout: Pushing Limits and Maximizing Results

In this article, we will explore a high volume hypertrophy leg workout designed for individuals with a background in competitive powerlifting or bodybuilding. The workout emphasizes technique, individualization, and pushing one’s limits to achieve optimal muscle growth. Get ready for a challenging session that may involve blood, sweat, and tears!

Key Takeaways

  • The workout focuses on high volume hypertrophy, specifically targeting the leg muscles for growth.
  • Participants should expect to push themselves to the limit, with the possibility of experiencing discomfort.
  • Exercises involved include stiff-legged deadlifts for volume and hack squats for quad exposure.
  • Technique is crucial for maximizing muscle growth and minimizing fatigue and joint pain.
  • Individualization is essential, as lifters should adjust their stance, setup, and load based on their unique capabilities and goals.
  • Myoreps sets of 15-20 reps per set are recommended, with 3-5 sets depending on the lifter’s tolerance.

Mastering Technique for Optimal Hypertrophy

When engaging in this leg workout, the focus should be on utilizing proper technique to expose the targeted muscles to the most tension. This means adjusting your stance, setup, and positioning to achieve the best stimulus for your quads while minimizing fatigue and joint pain. The core technique involves strict, slow movements on the descent, a complete pause at the bottom, and powerful concentric movement.

Embracing Individualization

It’s essential to recognize that every lifter is unique, with different strengths, experiences, and muscle architecture. This individuality should be taken into account when selecting the load, stance, and setup for each exercise. Adapting the workout to your specific needs and capabilities will ensure the best possible stimulus-to-fatigue ratio, ultimately leading to more significant muscle growth.

Pushing Your Limits

This high volume hypertrophy leg workout is designed to push you to your limits, both physically and mentally. Be prepared to dig deep and give it your all, as this challenging session will test your endurance, strength, and resolve. Embrace the discomfort, focus on your technique, and keep pushing forward to achieve the best possible results.


The high volume hypertrophy leg workout is an intense, challenging session designed for advanced lifters looking to maximize muscle growth in their legs. Key takeaways include focusing on technique, individualizing the workout to suit your unique needs, and pushing yourself to the limit. By mastering these principles and giving it your all, you’ll be well on your way to achieving impressive leg hypertrophy and taking your training to the next level.

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