Effective and Time Saving Full Body Workout w Scientific Chef Adam Ragusea

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will explore an insightful collaboration between Dr. Mike from Renaissance Periodization and Adam Ragusea, a popular cooking YouTuber. They embark on a journey to combine fitness and cooking, creating a full-body workout followed by a nutritious meal. We will discuss the key takeaways from their experience and provide useful tips for those interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Full-Body Workout

Dr. Mike introduces a full-body workout that incorporates supersets, which involves performing two exercises back-to-back with minimal rest. This technique helps in maximizing the efficiency of the workout while targeting different muscle groups. The workout includes the following exercises:

  • Stiff-legged deadlifts superset with chest presses
  • Leg presses superset with pull-downs
  • Dumbbell upright rows, curls, and pushdowns (triple superset)

Benefits of Supersets

Supersets provide several advantages in a workout routine:

  • Increases workout intensity
  • Engages multiple muscle groups
  • Improves workout efficiency
  • Reduces overall workout time

Nutritious Meal: Turkey Meatloaf with Asparagus

After the intense workout, Adam Ragusea prepares a nutritious meal to refuel the body. The recipe focuses on utilizing lean protein, healthy carbs, and vegetables. The meal includes turkey meatloaf made with lean ground turkey, oats, vegetables, and chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, served with asparagus.

Key Takeaways

From the collaboration between Dr. Mike and Adam Ragusea, we can extract several important points:

  • Supersets can be an effective way to create a time-efficient and intense full-body workout.
  • Combining fitness with nutritious meals is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Utilizing lean protein sources, such as ground turkey, can provide the necessary nutrients for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Vegetables, such as asparagus, offer numerous health benefits and should be incorporated into a balanced diet.


In conclusion, the collaboration between Dr. Mike and Adam Ragusea demonstrates the importance of combining effective workouts with nutritious meals for a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating supersets in a workout routine and focusing on lean proteins and vegetables in meal planning, one can optimize their fitness journey and overall well-being.

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