Dr. Mike Gets More Than He Bargained For

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP
Workout Session: Assisted Pull-Ups, Cable Rows, and Easy Bar Curls

In this article, we will dive into an intense workout session with Mike from Renaissance Periodization, Izzy Nevarez, and Trevor Fulbright. The workout focuses on assisted pull-ups, cable rows, and easy bar curls. Get ready for some valuable insights and inspiration as we break down each exercise and its benefits.

Assisted Pull-Ups

  • First exercise in the session.
  • Perform sets of 10 to 20 reps.
  • Mike aims for 15 to 20 reps in his first set for the best stimulus to fatigue ratio (SFR).
  • It’s essential to choose the appropriate loading paradigms for each individual.
  • Focus on low volume and high intensity.

Cable Rows

  • Second exercise in the session.
  • Perform sets of 15 to 25 reps for optimal SFR.
  • Ensure a gentle touch to the tummy/chest area and a deep stretch in each rep.
  • Avoid leaning back too far and focus on proper form to maximize muscle engagement.

Easy Bar Curls

  • Third and final exercise in the session.
  • Utilize unique bar shapes for comfortable grip positions.
  • Perform full range of motion from face to back down, controlling the eccentric movement.
  • Introduce my reps: perform as many reps as possible with as many breaks as needed, aiming for two or three sets.

Intensity and Technique

While it’s not necessary to push yourself to the limit in every workout, it’s essential to challenge yourself and maintain proper technique. During the last week of accumulation before a deload, channel your inner “psycho demon place” while still focusing on good form.


In summary, the workout session with Mike, Izzy, and Trevor consisted of assisted pull-ups, cable rows, and easy bar curls. These exercises, combined with the right intensity and technique, can lead to significant gains and progress. Remember to push yourself, focus on proper form, and enjoy the process as you work towards your fitness goals.

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