Dr. Mike and World Record Holder Brianny Terry Torture Her Friends on Leg Day

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


This article is about a training session featuring three friends, Bree (RP All-Star, YouTube superstar), Clark (aka Mr. Superman), Sal, and Dom. The group embarks on a challenging leg workout that focuses on hypertrophy, featuring stiff-legged deadlifts, hack squats, and smith machine squats. Throughout the session, the participants share their experiences, struggles, and camaraderie in a light-hearted, entertaining manner.

Workout Overview

  • Stiff-legged deadlifts on the belt squat machine
  • Hack squats
  • Smith machine squats

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts on the Belt Squat Machine

  • Three to four sets of hip hinges for hamstring development
  • Five to ten repetitions per set
  • Focus on technique with chest up, back arch, and anterior tilted pelvis
  • Keep knees back to properly engage hamstrings

Hack Squats

  • Multiple sets of 10 to 20 reps, my rep style
  • Push off the heels, maintaining proper form
  • Pause at the bottom of the squat to maintain tension

Smith Machine Squats

  • Two sets of five to ten reps
  • Use pre-exhausted quads for added challenge
  • Focus on proper technique with chest up and open hips


In conclusion, this leg workout session showcased the camaraderie and shared challenges between the friends as they pushed themselves through stiff-legged deadlifts, hack squats, and smith machine squats. The key takeaways from this workout are the importance of proper technique, maintaining tension during exercises, and having fun while pushing one’s physical limits.

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