DISGUSTING And Effective 6 Set Quad Growth Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we will explore a quad training session led by Dr. Mike and Jared Feather, featuring IFBB Pro athlete Jen Aguirre. They will guide Jen through various exercises to maximize quad development while minimizing the risk of injury. The focus will be on proper technique, range of motion, and maintaining tension on the quads throughout the workout.

Key Takeaways

  1. Starting with hack squats, the workout aims to challenge the quads and push Jen to her limits.
  2. Proper form and technique are essential in maximizing muscle activation and preventing injury.
  3. Controlling the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement is vital for recruiting more motor units and developing bigger quads.
  4. Using elevation heel devices during high bar squats helps target the quads more effectively and improves the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio.
  5. Never compromise technique when performing any exercise, as it can lead to injury.

Hack Squats

Jen begins her quad workout with hack squats, completing three to four sets of high rep sets. The focus is on slowly descending and pausing at the bottom of the movement. By controlling the eccentric portion and maintaining tension on the quads, Jen recruits more motor units and experiences a higher stimulus-to-fatigue ratio.

High Bar Squats

Next, Jen moves on to high bar squats with elevation heel devices to target her quads more effectively. These devices help improve the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio by allowing the use of lighter weights while still achieving maximum muscle activation. The emphasis is on keeping the chest up and driving through the quads during the movement.


This quad training session highlights the importance of proper form, technique, and range of motion when performing exercises to maximize muscle development and minimize the risk of injury. By following these principles, athletes like Jen Aguirre can achieve optimal results and demonstrate exceptional effort during their workouts.

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