Devastating Lat Focused Workout In Just 3 Exercises

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Intense Back Workout with Dr. Mike and Friends

In this workout session, Dr. Mike is joined by Amanda Kohatsu and Dr. Crystal for an intense back workout focusing on technique, effort, and consistency. The workout consists of three main exercises, with a focus on high-quality reps and sets ranging from 10 to 20. Read on to learn more about this exciting and challenging workout routine.

Atlantis Chest Supported Row

  • First exercise is the Atlantis Chest supported row, a versatile machine with many ways to use it.
  • The ladies perform wide grip rowing with a focus on a big, deep stretch, and a slow eccentric movement.
  • Sets of 10 to 20 reps are performed, with the goal of targeting traps, middle traps, rhomboids, and rear delts for improved width and strength.

Assisted Pull-ups

  • Next, the workout moves on to assisted pull-ups, with the assistance allowing for more reps and a focus on high-quality technique.
  • After the rows, the ladies are fatigued, so sets of 10 to 20 high-quality reps are performed, focusing on a slow descent and quick ascent with a full range of motion and deep stretch at the bottom.
  • Four sets of 10 to 20 reps are performed, following the same theme as the rows.

Lat Prayers

  • Finally, the workout concludes with lat prayers, a unique exercise designed to target the lats and promote growth and development.
  • Key technique tips include leaning over at the top part for a full lat stretch, lowering the chest for a big stretch at the bottom, and maintaining straight arms throughout the movement.
  • Three more sets of the lat prayers are performed, emphasizing slow and controlled movements for maximum muscle engagement.


Throughout this intense back workout, Dr. Mike, Amanda, and Dr. Crystal demonstrate the importance of focusing on technique, effort, and consistency to achieve maximum results. By performing high-quality reps and sets of Atlantis chest supported rows, assisted pull-ups, and lat prayers, they manage to challenge their muscles and promote growth and development. This workout serves as a great example of how to effectively train the back muscles for improved strength and aesthetics.

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