Dealing With Difficulties in your Fat Loss Diet

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Fat Loss Dieting Made Simple by RP


In this article, we will discuss the challenges one may face during a fat loss diet and how to overcome them to achieve success. We will cover three main impediments: macrofitting, hunger, and water weight problems. By understanding these issues and implementing the suggested solutions, you can increase the likelihood of success in your fat loss journey.


Dieting for fat loss can be challenging, especially when trying to meet your macro requirements on the go. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

– Use apps like RP Diet or MyFitnessPal to plan and track your meals.
– Choose 2-4 basic proteins, veggies, grains, fruits, and healthy fats for your meals and prepare them in bulk.
– Opt for meal delivery services like Trifecta if you can afford it.
– Have go-to options for on-the-go situations, such as lean turkey jerky, fresh fruit, nuts, protein bars, and shakes.

Remember, being prepared increases your chances of success.


As you lose more fat, hunger will increase. Here are some strategies to manage hunger:

– Eat more filling foods, such as fresh fruits, veggies, Greek yogurt, and lean proteins.
– Make your food less tasty to prevent overeating.
– Plan your larger meals during times when you are predictably hungrier and smaller meals when you are not.

Water Weight Problems

Sometimes, despite losing fat, the scale may not show progress due to water retention. Here are some ways to address water weight issues:

– Reduce stress and get more sleep.
– Standardize your salt and water intake.
– Limit the number of artificially flavored drinks you consume.


In conclusion, understanding and overcoming the common impediments of macrofitting, hunger, and water weight problems can increase your likelihood of success in your fat loss journey. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can set yourself up for long-term success and avoid the pitfalls that derail many diets. In the next article, we will discuss how to maintain your fat loss after achieving your goal, ensuring that you can keep the weight off for good.

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