Competition Day Nutrition (The RP Diet 2.0 Chapter 14)

This entry is part [part not set] of 15 in the series The RP Diet 2.0

Optimizing Nutrition for Non-Endurance Sports Competitions

In this article, we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition before, during, and after non-endurance sports competitions, such as Strongman, gymnastics, CrossFit, powerlifting, and Olympic weightlifting. We will provide valuable tips and recommendations on how to fuel your body for optimal performance during these events.

Before Competition

  • Ensure your carbs and calories are as high as they can be before competition day, given that you have to make weight if required. This will help fill your glycogen stores, reduce fatigue, and increase energy levels.
  • Avoid experimenting with new foods around the competition to prevent gastrointestinal distress. Stick to the foods you’re used to and have successfully consumed during training.

During Competition

  • Plan to eat and drink throughout the competition, even if you don’t feel like it. This will help maintain energy levels and prevent fading away during later events.
  • Consume food within 15 to 30 minutes after each event, allowing digestion and absorption to occur before the next event. This will help ensure nutrients reach the working muscles and maintain hydration.
  • Avoid super high fat, high fiber, and high protein foods during the competition. Instead, consume foods with a decent amount of protein, plenty of fluids, and lots of carbohydrates for optimal performance.
  • Stick to foods you know to avoid gastrointestinal issues during the competition.

After Competition

  • Once the competition is over, you can eat whatever you like. Save the indulgent and less performance-enhancing foods for this time.

Weight Cutting and Replenishment

The RP Diet Book 2.0, Chapter 14 provides detailed guides for weight cutting and water replenishment for athletes who weigh in at various times before competition, such as 24 hours, 12 hours, two hours, or mat side. These strategies are crucial for making weight and adequately replenishing fluids and nutrients before stepping onto the competition floor.


In summary, it is essential to pay attention to your nutrition before, during, and after non-endurance sports competitions to optimize performance. By following the recommendations outlined in this article, you can ensure that your body is well-fueled and prepared for the demands of your chosen sport. Remember to prioritize carbs and calories, avoid experimenting with new foods, eat and drink throughout the competition, and follow the appropriate weight cutting and replenishment strategies for your specific weigh-in requirements.

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