Choosing Exercises for Muscle Growth

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Hypertrophy Made Simple by RP

Introduction: Hypertrophy Made Simple

Welcome to the Hypertrophy Made Simple series, where we explore the essential elements of designing hypertrophy programs and troubleshooting for effective muscle growth. In this article, we’ll discuss how to choose the right exercises to maximize muscle growth while minimizing systemic fatigue and joint stress.

Identifying Effective Exercises for Muscle Growth

To choose the best exercises for muscle growth, consider both acute and longitudinal indicators of muscle growth:

Acute indicators (during or immediately after training):

  • Tension in the target muscle
  • Burn in the target muscle, especially during high reps
  • Pump in the target muscle after a few sets
  • Fatigue, disruption, and soreness in the muscle during and after training

Longitudinal indicators (over time):

Upward trends in repetition strength, signaling muscle growth

Choosing Exercises for Hypertrophy

When selecting exercises for hypertrophy, prioritize those that:

  • Cause tension and burn in the target muscle
  • Provide the best pumps
  • Exhaust the target muscle the most
  • Minimize joint stress for long-term sustainability
  • Generate minimal systemic fatigue

Evaluating and Adjusting Your Exercise Selection

To determine whether to keep or replace an exercise in your program, consider the following factors:

Keep an exercise if it:

  • Continues to provide tension, burn, pumps, and disruption
  • Remains easy on your joints
  • Generates a reasonable amount of systemic fatigue relative to its effectiveness
  • Shows steady increases in rep strength

Replace an exercise if it:

  • No longer produces satisfactory tension, burn, pumps, or disruption
  • Causes joint stress or negatively impacts the rest of your program
  • Plateaus in strength over an extended period

Some exercises may need rotation every other month, while others can remain effective for years.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Exercises for Hypertrophy

In conclusion, selecting the right exercises for hypertrophy involves focusing on both acute and longitudinal indicators of muscle growth, prioritizing exercises that maximize muscle growth while minimizing joint stress and systemic fatigue, and regularly evaluating and adjusting your exercise selection based on effectiveness and sustainability. By following these guidelines, you can optimize your hypertrophy program for long-lasting results.

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