Can We Build His Legs Enough For A Pro Card (Quad Emphasis Training Program)

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP



In this article, we’ll discuss a comprehensive leg training session featuring Dr. Mike and Jared Feather from Renaissance Periodization, along with their friend Cameron, a competitive classic physique athlete. We’ll dive deep into their training regime, focusing on high-intensity exercises, proper technique, and the importance of prioritizing muscle groups.

Leg Training Exercises

The training session featured several exercises to target the quads and hamstrings. Here are some of the key exercises:

  • High bar strict weightlifting style squats with a wedge and pause
  • Leg extensions supersetted with walking lunges for quads
  • Seated leg curl machine with myoreps sets

Technique and Execution

In each exercise, the focus was on maintaining proper form and technique to ensure maximum muscle development. Some of the essential aspects of technique include:

  • Slow and controlled eccentric movements
  • Full range of motion
  • Maintaining tension and focus on targeted muscle groups

Planning the Workout

The workout began with high-intensity exercises targeting the quads, followed by hamstring exercises to balance out the session. It’s essential to prioritize muscle groups and plan your workout accordingly, as systemic energy can become limited after high-intensity training.

Challenges and Pushing Limits

Cameron faced several challenges and pushed himself to his limits during the workout. Some of the challenges included:

  • High volume of sets and reps
  • Adjusting to new exercises and techniques
  • Systemic fatigue after high-intensity training

Despite these challenges, Cameron persevered and completed the workout, proving the effectiveness of this training approach.


This leg training session emphasized the importance of proper technique, high-intensity exercises, and prioritizing muscle groups. By following these principles, athletes like Cameron can effectively target weak points and work towards achieving their physique goals. Remember, whether you’re a competitive athlete or just looking to improve your leg strength, the key takeaway is that your legs can always be bigger and stronger with consistent training and dedication.

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