Biohacking (Nutrition Myths)

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Nutrition Myths by RP

In this article, we will discuss the popular concept of biohacking, the claims surrounding it, the reasons why it’s wrong, and the grains of truth that can be found within it. We will also provide some best practices for achieving fitness goals without relying on shortcuts or false promises.

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking claims that you can hack your body systems like you would hack a computer, tricking them into doing what you want, such as burning more fat or building more muscle. This is often promoted as a quick and easy solution, like a shortcut or cheat code in a video game.

Why is Biohacking Wrong?

  • Your body is not a computer and cannot be hacked. It is a complex system that operates differently from computers.
  • Real progress in fitness comes from understanding deep principles behind fat loss and muscle gain, not through shortcuts or tricks.
  • People who look for shortcuts often fail because they are not willing to put in the necessary work.

Grains of Truth

While biohacking is not the magic solution it claims to be, there are some aspects of it that can be helpful:

  • Using tools like better running shoes, lifting belts, or weightlifting shoes can make the process easier and more effective.
  • Understanding the nuances of biology, such as carb and fat ratios, nutrient timing, and food choice, can make the results more certain, larger in magnitude, and easier to achieve.

Best Practices for Real Fitness Results

Instead of relying on biohacking, follow these best practices to achieve your fitness goals:

  • Learn the principles of diet and training through resources like YouTube channels, books, or coaches.
  • Hire a coach or use an app like the RP Diet App to guide you through the process.
  • Understand that there is no shortcut to fitness and be prepared to put in the necessary work.


Biohacking may seem like an attractive solution for achieving fitness goals, but it is not a viable method. The real path to success lies in understanding the principles behind diet and training, using tools that make the process easier and more effective, and being prepared to put in the necessary work. Don’t fall for false promises; instead, focus on learning and executing a solid plan for long-term success.

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