Barbell Only Bicep and Delt Workout (with natural pro)

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Maximize Your Barbell Bicep and Lateral Delt Workout

In this article, we will explore a barbell-only workout focused on lateral delts and biceps. Designed for those with limited gym equipment, this workout promises an effective and enjoyable session. Learn the techniques, key takeaways, and coaching cues to maximize your muscle stimulation and growth.

Barbell Bicep Curl Technique

  • Focus on the bicep’s role in glenohumeral joint action, including forward flexion, which shortens the bicep more effectively.
  • Combine forward flexion of the glenohumeral joint with inward tension on the bicep to maximize muscle contraction and stimulation.
  • Don’t worry about the weight on the bar. Focus on stimulating the biceps through full motor unit recruitment and a complete range of motion.
  • If you experience discomfort in the movement, consider a drag curl variation or adjusting elbow positioning to alleviate strain.

Drag Curls for Bicep Variation

  • Drag curls can be a helpful exercise for individuals with nagging elbow injuries or those seeking variation in their bicep workout.
  • Perform two sets of 15 to 20 drag curls with short rest periods, focusing on technique and muscle engagement.
  • Remember that drag curls are not a requirement but can be a beneficial addition to your bicep workout routine.

Lateral Delt Workout: Giant Set

  • Perform a giant set for lateral delts, consisting of approximately 50 reps of slightly bent forward upright rows.
  • Ensure that assisting musculature, such as forearms or biceps, will not be the limiting factor in this set.
  • As the set becomes more challenging, transition to regular upright rows or adjust technique to maintain muscle engagement.
  • Monitor your form and muscle engagement throughout the set to ensure proper muscle stimulation and growth.


This barbell-only workout for lateral delts and biceps is an effective and enjoyable session that can help you achieve significant muscle stimulation and growth. By focusing on proper technique, muscle engagement, and adapting exercises to suit individual needs, you can maximize your workout and make the most of limited gym equipment. Give these exercises a try, and you may discover their potential to transform your biceps and lateral delt training.

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