Back Training With The Leanest Natural Pro Bodybuilder Alive

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP


In this article, we follow the journey of Marvin, a natural bodybuilder from Hong Kong, as he trains with his coach, Jared. Marvin is a natural pro in the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) and has recently placed second at the World Championships in Los Angeles. The goal for Marvin is to obtain an IFP Pro card in the lightweight bodybuilding division. The article will explore the training techniques and exercises used during Marvin’s workout session.

Key Takeaways

  • Marvin’s training session includes a variety of intensity techniques and exercises to target different muscle groups and maintain lean muscle tissue between shows.
  • The first exercise is a barbell row to chest, followed by a barbell bend over row. This technique limits the load and helps maintain intensity during the workout.
  • The second exercise is a seated machine row, focusing on a forceful concentric phase and a slow, controlled eccentric phase.
  • The third exercise is a seated cable flexion row, performed as a giant set with short rest periods. This intensity technique builds metabolites and helps maintain muscle tissue.
  • The final exercise is a pull down, focusing on the lats and using a horizontal emphasis with lighter vertical pulling.

Training Techniques and Exercises

Barbell Row to Chest and Barbell Bend Over Row

This exercise limits the load on Marvin’s muscles, using intensity techniques to maintain lean muscle tissue. The barbell row to chest is performed first, followed by the bent row.

Seated Machine Row

Marvin focuses on a forceful concentric phase and a slow, controlled eccentric phase during this exercise. The goal is to perform 15 to 20 reps with perfect form and technique.

Seated Cable Flexion Row

This exercise is an intensity technique performed as a giant set with short rest periods. The main focus is on maintaining consistent weight and rest periods while increasing reps over time.

Pull Down

The final exercise targets the lats with a horizontal emphasis and lighter vertical pulling. Marvin performs three sets of 15 to 20 reps to maintain muscle tissue and build metabolites.


Marvin’s workout session includes a variety of exercises and intensity techniques to maintain lean muscle tissue between shows and prepare for the IFP Pro card competition. By focusing on form, technique, and consistency, Marvin aims to improve his performance and achieve his bodybuilding goals.

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