A Really Psycho Chest And Shoulder Workout

This entry is part [part not set] of 93 in the series Scientific Training for Muscle Growth by RP

Intense Workout with Trevor Fulbright and Izzy Nevarez: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we cover an intense workout session with Trevor Fulbright and Izzy Nevarez, two of the hardest training individuals in sports science. The workout consists of four primary exercises, focusing on the push and side delts. We will discuss each exercise in detail, highlighting the essential takeaways and technique tips to help you optimize your workout experience.

Exercise 1: Incline Cambered Bar Bench Press

  • Great exercise if you have the mobility and access to a cambered bar.
  • Ensure proper scapulae depression for shoulder joint safety.
  • Pause at the bottom of the movement for optimal pec tendon activation and range of motion.
  • Perform 10-20 reps (10-15 for most individuals) with multiple sets according to your maximum recoverable volume (MRV).

Exercise 2: Smith Machine Skull Crusher Superset to Close Grip Bench

  • Focuses on tricep activation and building muscle endurance.
  • Perform 10-20 reps with multiple sets, adjusting the number of sets for individual MRV differences.
  • Choose the most comfortable skull crusher variation for your elbows and tricep stimulus-to-fatigue ratio.

Exercise 3: Deficit Pushups

  • Increases range of motion for more effective chest and tricep activation.
  • Maintain proper hip position and avoid sagging to prevent injury.
  • Perform the exercise with full, complete lockouts for optimal results.

Exercise 4: Free Motion Laterals (Myo Rep Match Sets)

  • Targets side delts and adjusts to individual preferences for optimal stimulus and comfort.
  • Perform 10-20 reps with multiple sets, using myo rep match sets to increase intensity and effectiveness for smaller muscle groups.
  • Choose the lateral raise variation that suits your mobility and preference for the best results.


In summary, this intense workout with Trevor Fulbright and Izzy Nevarez focuses on push exercises and side delts, offering a comprehensive and challenging experience. By following the technique tips and adjusting the exercises to suit individual preferences and MRVs, you can maximize the effectiveness of your workout and push your limits to achieve optimal results.

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