You Have An Ideal Body Weight- BULLSH*T!

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Fitness Myths by RP


In today’s world, people often look for an ideal body weight to achieve optimal health. However, the concept of an ideal body weight is not entirely accurate and can lead to misconceptions about what is truly healthy. In this article, we will discuss the limitations of ideal body weight, the factors to consider when determining a healthy weight, and why there is a wide range of healthy body weights for any given height.

Limitations of Ideal Body Weight

  • The concept of ideal body weight primarily comes from insurance tables, which are not necessarily based on health but on longevity.
  • Insurance tables do not take into account individual differences in bone structure, muscle mass, and other factors that contribute to a person’s weight.
  • Insurance tables often do not provide a normal distribution of healthy body weights or mention standard deviations, which could result in a false perception of what is considered healthy.
  • The ideal body weight does not consider personal preferences for aesthetics or specific sports requirements.

Factors to Consider When Determining a Healthy Weight

  • Bone structure: People with larger bones may need to weigh more to maintain a healthy appearance and avoid being too thin.
  • Muscle mass: A higher muscle mass can contribute to a healthy body weight despite being considered “overweight” by insurance tables.
  • Fitness and sports: The ideal weight for a specific sport or activity may be different from the general population’s ideal weight, and should be considered when determining a healthy weight range.
  • Aesthetics: Personal preferences for a thinner or thicker appearance are valid and should be considered, as long as they fall within a healthy weight range.
  • Quality of life: Achieving a certain body weight might be enjoyable or beneficial for personal reasons, and this should be taken into account when determining a healthy weight.

Understanding the Healthy Weight Range

Rather than focusing on a single ideal body weight, it is essential to recognize that there is a wide range of healthy body weights for any given height. This range takes into account factors such as bone structure, muscle mass, and individual preferences.

As long as a person is physically active, eating a balanced diet, and falls within this healthy weight range, their weight should not be considered an issue.


In summary, the concept of an ideal body weight is flawed and often misleading. Instead, it is crucial to consider various factors such as bone structure, muscle mass, personal preferences, and specific sports requirements when determining a healthy weight. By understanding that there is a wide range of healthy weights for any given height, individuals can make informed decisions about their body weight and prioritize overall health and well-being.

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