Debunking the Myth: Does Lifting Weights Make You Huge?

This entry is part [part not set] of 48 in the series Fitness Myths by RP

Many people believe that lifting weights will automatically make them huge and bulky. However, this is far from the truth. In this article, we will discuss the factors that contribute to muscle growth, the role of calorie balance, and how weightlifting can be beneficial for people who want to maintain their weight or even lose weight.

Understanding Muscle Growth and Calorie Balance

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights alone does not make you huge. Muscle growth is primarily determined by calorie balance. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Only calorie balance can add tissue to your body over time.
  • Eating more calories than you burn is the only thing that makes you bigger.
  • Weightlifting determines the composition of the gains, not the size of the gains.
  • If you lift weights and eat a calorie surplus, you will gain mostly muscle and not so much fat.
  • If you don’t lift weights and eat a calorie surplus, you will gain lots of extra fat and not so much muscle.

The Impact of Lifting Weights on Appetite

It is essential to note that weightlifting can increase appetite in some people. However, this effect can be counterbalanced by consuming healthy, filling foods, such as protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Doing so can help you put on muscle while losing fat, especially if you have just started lifting weights.

Maintaining or Losing Weight While Lifting Weights

If you want to keep your weight stable long-term, lifting weights does not have to result in weight gain. By controlling your calories, you can lift weights and maintain or even lose weight. Here are some points to consider:

  • You can lift weights without gaining an ounce of body weight by controlling your calorie intake.
  • Many people lose weight when they add in weightlifting because they don’t experience a rebound hunger response, and lifting weights burns calories.
  • By lifting weights and controlling your calorie intake, you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.


In summary, lifting weights alone will not make you huge. Muscle growth primarily depends on calorie balance, and weightlifting determines the composition of the gains. By controlling your calorie intake and consuming healthy, filling foods, you can lift weights and maintain or even lose weight. So, ladies and gentlemen, there’s no need to fear becoming bulky just by lifting weights – it ultimately comes down to calorie balance and your nutritional choices.

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