Gaintaining For Best Results?

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Nutrition Myths by RP

In this article, we will discuss the concept of gaintaining, its claims, and why it might not be the best approach for long-term muscle growth. We will also look into the grains of truth behind gaintaining and the best practices to follow for optimal muscle gain. So let’s dive into the world of gaintaining and see how it can help you achieve your muscle-building goals.

What is Gaintaining?

Gaintaining is a nutrition philosophy that advocates for eating in a healthy and clean manner without actively trying to gain weight. It promotes eating plenty of protein, consuming enough calories, and training hard to achieve muscle growth over the long term.

Why Gaintaining Might Not Be the Best Approach

While gaintaining may work for some people, it may not be the best approach for everyone, especially for those who are lean and looking for significant muscle growth. Here are a few reasons why:

  • When you are lean, your body may not trade off muscle for fat, making it challenging to grow muscle without providing extra calories.
  • Hunger cues and activity levels can sometimes make gaintaining work. However, some people may need to purposefully gain weight for muscle growth, as their hunger may not increase enough to meet their needs.
  • As you become more advanced and gain more muscle, gaintaining might not be sufficient for further growth. To achieve a bigger physique, you may need to go beyond your body’s homeostasis, which requires more willpower and a plan.

Grains of Truth in Gaintaining

Despite its limitations, gaintaining can work for some people, especially under certain conditions:

  • Beginners or intermediates who are not very lean.
  • Those who train hard and have a nutritious diet.
  • Individuals whose hunger naturally increases with training, allowing them to gain weight without trying.

Gaintaining can also be a stress-free and enjoyable way to build muscle, as it doesn’t involve counting calories or force-feeding.

Best Practices for Optimal Muscle Gain

Here are some guidelines to follow for the best chance at muscle growth:

  • If gaintaining is working for you and you’re seeing progress, keep doing it. There’s no need to complicate things or add stress.
  • If you’re lean and not gaining weight, consider setting a moderate weight gain goal and eating to achieve it. You may need to eat more calories than you find comfortable to make progress.
  • Consider a phasic approach, gaining 5% of your body weight over three to six months, holding that weight for a few months, then dieting off the fat gained over four to eight weeks. Repeat this process as desired for continued muscle growth.


In summary, gaintaining can be a useful approach for some individuals looking to build muscle without adding unnecessary stress to their lives. However, for optimal muscle growth, especially for lean individuals, a more intentional approach to weight gain and nutrition may be required. By following the best practices outlined above, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the muscular physique you desire.

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