Dealing with Difficulties while Muscle Gain Dieting

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Muscle Gain Dieting Made Simple by RP


In this article, we will explore the challenges of muscle gain dieting and provide practical solutions to overcome these obstacles. We will discuss three common difficulties: trouble fitting into your macros or choosing foods, getting too full and not being able to eat as much as required, and excessive body fat gain. By understanding these issues and implementing the suggested tips, you can make your muscle-gain journey more successful and efficient.

Common Difficulties in Muscle Gain Dieting

1. Macro fitting: Choosing the right foods to meet your daily macros can be challenging, especially when you’re on-the-go or have inconsistent eating habits.

2. Getting too full: Some individuals may struggle with consuming enough food to meet their daily caloric needs, leading to insufficient weight gain.

3. Body fat gain: Excessive body fat gain can be discouraging for those trying to gain muscle.

Tips to Overcome Difficulties

Macro Fitting

– Make a list of basic, healthy food items (veggies, grains, fruits, proteins, and fats) and combine them into tasty meals.
– Cook meals in bulk and pre-portion them into daily servings, making it easier to meet your macros without calculating on-the-spot.
– Consider using apps or meal delivery services to simplify your meal planning and preparation process.
– Plan your on-the-go meals in advance by identifying convenient, macro-friendly food options.

Getting Too Full

– Eat more calorically dense and tasty foods to make it easier to consume larger quantities.
– Avoid skipping meals; eat at least something, even if it’s not the full meal.
– Consider liquid meals or mass gaining shakes as an alternative when you’re not feeling hungry or have limited time.

Body Fat Gain

– Aim for the lower pace of weekly weight gain (0.25% of your body weight per week) to minimize fat gain.
– Choose a shorter duration for your muscle gain diet (8-12 weeks) to prevent excess fat gain.
– Eat mostly healthy foods and avoid overeating junk food.
– Train hard with higher volumes and stay physically active outside the gym.
– Remember that body fat gained during muscle gain phases is temporary and can be lost during cutting phases.


In conclusion, muscle gain dieting can be challenging, but by understanding the common difficulties and employing the tips provided, you can make your muscle-gain journey more successful. By staying consistent with your meal planning, adjusting your food choices based on your appetite, and maintaining a balance between training and physical activity, you can optimize your progress and reach your muscle gain goals.

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